My 2nd powerlifting meet

I am excited to potentially compete in another powerlifting meet. I competed in my first meet February 19th. This time around, it will be a whole year since I last competed. In that year, for the majority of it, I have had a coach and he does my programming. I have been working hard and will continue to do so because I want to beat my old numbers. Previously, I benched 259 lbs, squatted 369 lbs and deadlifted 462 lbs. This time around, I will bench nothing less than 281 lbs, squat at least 402 lbs and deadlift at least 500 lbs. I am manifesting this and I have been working my ass off in the gym working on the three lifts. I believe the improvement will be immense and if I continue to work hard, I will definitely make these goals a reality. I just hope I’m able to register on Monday and then I will clean up my diet and add cardio back into the equation. One of my goals is to also start running outside again as I miss it. Listening to music and zoning out and going for a run is an enjoyable experience. Even if I am only able to run 1 mile currently, if that, I will not get angry as obviously it will take some time to get used to it again. I am way too hard on myself when it comes to these things. I don’t participate in a certain activity for a long duration of time and then I expect myself to somehow still be quite adept at said activity. If something has not been executed or rehearsed for a long period of time, it is only reasonable to conclude one may be quite rusty at performing the activity.